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Put Ticket IDs in your Commit Messages

In my previous post The Continuous Delivery Test I included a point:

Do you include ticket IDs in your commits or branches?

This sparked quite a lot of discussion on hacker news. I think it'd be useful to highlight some of my reasoning for including this point, and highlight some of the advice given by some of the commenters.

Why you should do it

Link work back to the ticket that spawned it

If you're in anywhere but the smallest companies, you probably have some sort of compliance requirements that require you to be able to link work done back to the planning that caused it to happen.

The reason that compliance frameworks want you to do this is mainly so there is an unbroken chain of culpability that can be used to identify the root cause of a potential issue.

But it's also just good documentation. Do you really want to play archeologist every time you need to figure out why a certain commit was made, or why a certain line of code is a bit weird?

As one lovely HN commenter puts it:

'I can't tell you how many times I've dug into the commit history to find where a change happened, then wanted to know the full context, and been glad I could just pull up the years-old ticket directly and see a detailed description of intent and requirements, discussions in the comments, mock-ups, etc etc'

Track the content of releases

In some environments you might need to prepare release notes or a changelog.

This is, of course, much easier if you can derive the list of tickets from the delta of what's going in to production.

Measure how well your team is delivering

In Accelerate, Forsgren, Humble, and Kim pick out four metrics that seperate high performing teams from the rest - and they all have to do with deployment.

The first of those metrics is Lead Time, which measures the amount of time it takes from starting a ticket (or the first commit made, depending how you want to measure) to when it's eventually released.

Having some metadata available makes this much easier to do!

It's not that hard

Seriously, it's just habit. It might sound annoying or bureaucratic to you if you've never done it before, but after a couple weeks it'll probably be an unconscious practice that you'll never think about again.

And if typing <10 extra characters at the start of a commit message is really cramping your style, you can always write a prepare-commit-msg git hook.

Why you might not be doing it

Your company is small

If you're starting to grow and compliance is on the horizon, it's much easier to start now than when the deadline looms.

It's a personal project

Yep. Why would you? It's needless overhead.

Merging/branching strategy

I'm probably not going to convince you otherwise, but I think long-lived feature branches suck. They require complex merge patterns, bundle risk, and often require a bureaucratic ritual to merge in to a production branch.

Trunk-based development all the way, and if you can have a branch per ticket with the ticket ID in the branch name, even better.

I need to make an ad-hoc change

This usually falls in to one of two categories.

The first is "I want to make a change off the books". Usually this is a culture problem; you should feel empowered to create small tickets as you see fit to fix small issues. It might also be that your team doesn't create time for care and feeding work.

The second is "I don't know where this change belongs". Can you roll it in to another ticket you're already working on, e.g. one where you're already touching the code in question? Or maybe it's enough work that it should be its own item?

Posted 2022-07-29

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