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The Continuous Delivery Test

In 2000, Joel Spolsky published a piece on what he believed were the key factors that separated high-performing teams from the rest, in a post titled The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code. It contains many insights that are still useful to this day; however, the world, software, and the teams that make it have moved on in the nearly 22 years since that post.

In 2015, John Kodumal of LaunchDarkly published an updated Joel Test for Continuous Delivery. While being far more up-to-date, it's still slipped a little in relevance.

If this post were to have an alternate title, it'd be 'Front-load Your Risks'. All of the advice below seeks to move risks away from the act of deployment and move them to earlier steps of the development process.

So, here's my best shot at a CI/CD Joel Test for the 2020s.

1. Do you use a distributed version control system?

Git, GitHub, and the ecosystems around them have eaten the software world, and for good reason. Beyond the usual advantages - branching, merging, and easy rollbacks, many of these hosted git servers now come with a whole slew of other productivity tooling.

Especially notable are those that move your CI closer to your source code, such as GitHub Actions, and GitLab CI/CD.

2. Do you practice trunk-based development?

Trunk-based development rolls up a bunch of good practices under one system.

It forces you to have one good main branch that is always deployable (and by implication, always able to roll back), and encourages merging small features one at a time.

Having an always-deployable main means that your deployment process becomes a lot more boring (which is great!), and is often indicative of a process that supports developers, rather than requiring long hours spent resolving merge conflicts and preparing release notes.

3. Do you merge little and often?

It's been known for some time now that large pull requests tend to get cursory reviews at best. On top of this, squirrelling away to work on a single feature for a long time means you are not spending adequate time making sure that you are building the right thing!

This also means using small, ticket-scoped feature branches, where the changes have a very tight scope.

4. Do two people read code before it is merged?

You'll notice I was very careful to avoid mentioning how this should take place. For some, pull requests are the right tool, but pairing and mob programming are also sufficient.

Nobody should be solely responsible for any code.

5. Do you require changes to pass checks before they can be merged?

One of the leading causes of outages is deployments. You should do your best to make sure that broken code never gets deployed in the first place.

6. Can you test your changes in a production-like environment before you deploy them?

There are many ways to go about this. You could spin up a small clone of your production env, run the tests, and then kill it. Where this is not possible, you can run tests against mirrored traffic or even run a canary.

7. Do you deploy to production as soon as main is updated?

Your deployments should be automated and happen right upon merge. This removes a burden from the team delivering a product and allows them to focus on features and reliability rather than long-winded release ceremonies. It can be hard to get here if you're currently releasing once a day, week, etc. – a mature approach to managing the risks of deployment is required, as well as battle-tested deployment processes and tools.

The earlier you start doing this, the easier it will be.

8. Does your deploy process self-heal?

When a deployment fails, can you roll back automatically? In addition to this, you should be able to roll back manually where necessary (though it's generally best to fail forwards!)

This also necessitates the use of blue-green deploys, canarying, healthchecks, and myriad other strategies to mitigate outage risk. It's very powerful to be able to turn a possible outage into a mere degradation.

9. Does your Infrastructure as Code live alongside the service it hosts?

It's a good idea to colocate any IaC with the software it's running rather than keeping the two in separate repositories. This dodges any dependency management between the two, and in many cases will save you a pipeline or two.

It's an antipattern (in the author's opinion) to have all infrastructure code completely separate from the application it supports. Common or shared infrastructure could be argued to have its own place, but a product should have all its pieces as close together as possible.

Monorepos are an extreme example of this philosophy.

10. Do you use feature flags?

Releases are a terrible mechanism for launching new features. You want to be able to run that shiny new feature in production as soon as possible, and you can't do that if you conflate a feature's launch with its release. This also means that you can preview and refine changes with flagship customers before rolling them out more widely.

11. Do you include ticket IDs in your commits or branches?

You need to be able to tie every commit back to the ticket that spawned it. It might not be you debugging a change that you merged, so it needs to be really easy to go back and find out why something was changed in order to make the right decision to fix it.

12. Can you still deploy from your own machine?

A key factor in developing software and infrastructure quickly is tight feedback loops. While it's probably not a great idea to be deploying directly to production from your own machine, having the ability to do so might be useful in a pinch.

You should be able to deploy to a dev environment (shared or ephemeral) such that you can easily validate your work in situ.

13. Can you show what will happen when a branch is merged?

Most IaC tools offer the ability to diff the changes they want to make. It's vitally important that when you go to merge some changes in, you know what the changes are, why you're making them (see point 11), and the effect the changes will have on the product or system.

This could be a cdk diff, or a visual diff if you're making a change to a frontend. Seldom is the code itself the interesting and crucial part of why you're making a change. The effect of your changeset should be evident not only to reviewers but also to bleary-eyed SREs at 4am.

Thanks to Josh Finch for his valuable feedback on this post.

Posted 2022-07-07

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